L E G E N D A R Y S M O K E D M E A T S & S A U S A G E
O M A H A N E B R A S K A S I N C E 1 9 4 9
©2020 Frank Stoysich Meats, Inc.
Frank Stoysich Meats makes a number of homemade deli and meat products. Oftentimes, our customers question how long our products will 'keep' before eaten or cooked. We offer the following:
1. Homemade Deli-Salads: Consume within 3-4 days after purchase.
2. Smoked Meats: Our Smoked Hams, Bacons, Smoked Sausages should be
eaten within 8 days after purchase. If not using in 8 days, freeze immediately upon bringing it home. Items will keep 3 months in the freezer.
3. Smoked Beef Jerky and Meat Sticks. If purchased wrapped in butcher paper, will keep 2 weeks. Put in fridge to extend shelf life 1 week. If purchased in the vacuum sealed packaging, will keep 3 weeks. Put in fridge to extend shelf life 1 week. Both Jerky and Sticks freeze very well. Will freeze up to four months.
4. Smoked Dog Treats will last 3-4 weeks. Putting in fridge will extend shelf life one week. You can also freeze.
5. Fresh Meats and Fresh Sausages. All fresh meats and fresh sausages should be cooked within 4 days of bringing home. If unable to use in this time frame, freeze. Items will keep 3 months in the freezer.